Freedmen’s Town Museums Houston
a part of Rutherford B.H. Yates Museum, Inc
Archaeology, Education and Preservation


These historical museums are a must visit for locals and visitors to the Houston area.

Founded in 1996, the Freedmen’s Town Museums Houston a part of Rutherford B.H. Yates Museum, Inc., has been hard at preserving historic Freedmen’s Town and telling its story for over a quarter-century. This community, founded shortly after Emancipation, is the wellspring of Black history and culture in Houston. Unfortunately, due to years of redevelopment pressure, misguided planning efforts, and indifference, many records have been lost, and what remains is still threatened.


We have saved six of the few remaining historic homes and structures in Freedmen’s Town that once belonged to influential community leaders and laborers. 


We encourage children and adults to tour the museum and learn of its incredible history in Freedmen’s Town. An early African-American printing press, a Black inventors exhibit, archeological artifacts and much more are a must-see.


Archaeologists have collected thousands of artifacts from the museum’s historic properties, which contribute to the ongoing research into the rich material past of Freedmen’s Town as it relates to African-American archaeology and archaeology of the African Diaspora.

Freedmen’s Town Museums Houston

Museum visits are by appointment only 713-739-0163 |

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